Intramural Development Program

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Recreational Player Development Program — Description

The Sachem Intramural Development Program (IDP) is open to all of our intramural players and is offered in partnership with Long Island Professional Soccer.  IDP makes for a GREAT STARTING PROGRAM for those looking to advance into our Academy programMany players have been identified through the IDP program to take that next step toward their overall development.

Our IDP program is additional to your current program and offers professional training by the LIPS organization. This program will focus on the basic Technical pillars of the game. Our goal at this age is to help players develop to their full potential. The skill level at these ages is of no indication of what the skill level will be at the older ages. Our approach is designed to challenge the more committed player who is looking for an environment that challenges them individually, helps them work cooperatively with their peers, while introducing age appropriate game like activities.

We will continue to encourage and work with all the players to be comfortable and confident with the ball at their feet. This particular environment allows all players the same opportunity to reach their full potential and prepare for the future ages.

Sachem Intramural Development Program Days and Times

Coming soon

Spring 2021 Dates:

Week 1-TBD

Week 2- TBD

Week 3-TBD

Week 4-TBD

Week 5-TBD

Week 6-TBD

Week 7-TBD

Week 8-TBD

Age Group Description: U5’s-U6’s will be offered training for 1 hour, 1 time a week, directly by a professional trainer(s), from Long Island Professional Soccer. The objective of this program is to continue a child’s soccer education through repeated touches on the ball in a small sided format. Through the use of progressive fun filled Technical based games in these sessions we will strive to teach all players the age appropriate basic techniques that apply to the game.

Age Group Description: U7’s-U8’s will be offered training for 1 hour, 1 time a week, directly by a professional trainer(s), from Long Island Professional Soccer. This program is designed to provide each child with more quality touches on the ball while advancing the players knowledge of the laws of the game and respect for the game, coaches, other players and officials.

Technical ability, Spatial awareness and partnered play become more advanced as they progress through the program. Program will continue to focus on the individual player and their comfort with the ball but also will incorporate technical ability to Pass/Receive and start to introduce ground/aerial ball control.

Costs and Registration Link:

Coming soon